About my page:

Here i will post my poems and stories. I do realise not all of them will be perfect, and I accept that. If you do like something I have writen please let me know :) I hardly ever creatively write about anything that relates to me directly, so please never assume anything about me from what I write. If some things that I write offend you, I am sorry, but I do have freedom of speach ^.^

Friday, January 9, 2015

I am... Allison Terry

Ally Terry
Mrs. Hayley Fraser
Creative Writing
8 January 2015
I am…
I am…
the daughter of my kind, generous, and trusting mother
as well as the daughter of my strict yet funny and adventurous father.
the grand-daughter of my book-worm, artsy, flutter brained grandma that is the easiest one in my family to talk to about your emotions and your problems.
the girlfriend of my musically talented, athletic, and sweet boyfriend, who is not sweet when he is grumpy.

I am…
adventurous global food such as octopus, seaweed, sushi, and seafood in general, but not actual fish (blech).
American food including steak, hot dogs, cheese, French fries, pork, eggs, fried okra, candy, and bagels with sweet pumpkin-flavored cream cheese.
a limited selection of drinks: sweet tea, hot tea, sprite, and coffee that I sadly cannot drink without my stomach rebelling.

I am…
fluffy, comfortable boots and sweatshirts in the winter, making an exception to wear skinny jeans, black smooth boots, and a nice cardigan sweater when I want to feel fancy.
make-up, fancy dresses, jewelry, nail polish, wedges, and cute print bikinis with nice cover-ups in the summer.

I am…
an explorer of Greece, Hawai’i, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Florida, where I have made most of my happiest memories.
hopeful to one day have traveled to the Galapagos Islands, Colorado, the Caribbean, France, Italy, and San Diego (where my father was born and raised).

I am…
thoughtful English, magnificent science, peaceful reading, intense research, creative writing, and interesting math.
curious about death, what happens inside of my own body, the future, college, where my friends will go and how well we will stay connected, and how my family life will hold up as the years go by.


  1. Your grandma sounds wonderful--I like that word "flutter-brained." You are lucky to have had some wonderful opportunities to travel--I hope life brings you many more adventures to far away places and with the exotic foods you are open to. I enjoyed your nature slide show at the bottom of your blog! I'm a big animal lover, too. Thanks, Ally!

  2. You seem really out-going and down to Earth. The part about coffee making your stomach rebel against you made me laugh a little because I drink a lot of coffee...all the time and I would hate to imagine not being able to drink coffee
