About my page:

Here i will post my poems and stories. I do realise not all of them will be perfect, and I accept that. If you do like something I have writen please let me know :) I hardly ever creatively write about anything that relates to me directly, so please never assume anything about me from what I write. If some things that I write offend you, I am sorry, but I do have freedom of speach ^.^

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Sand Man

Mr. Sand Man, won't you please,
always stay right next to me?

The peaceful slumber that you give me,
soothes all of my troubled thoughts.
It makes me feel worry free.

I need you more than you may think.
I have had many nights where I am nothing but exhausted, 
and instead of having restful dreams, all I see is black and pink.

Mr. Sand Man, won't you please,
always stay right next to me?

You have the antidote for my anxiety.
When I am worried, my chest feels heavy, 
but a delightful side effect of the spell you cast, is that once again I can breathe.

Why are you not here at this moment? 
It is like you play a sick game, 
Where the meaning behind your wickedness is your need torment.

Mr. Sand Man, won't you please, 
always stay right next to me?

I don't understand.
For others can fall asleep in a single blink;
they don't even need a hand.

Well I try everything I can.
I toss and turn, but to no avail.
This is why I believe you have a wicked plan.

I don't know why I am the target of your torment.
I've tried many things to conjure you up,
But apparently you don't think my happiness is even worth a peppermint.

Please give me the secret,
To resting my head down when I am fatigued, and instantly catching Z's.
I swear I will keep it, because I need it. 

Mr. Sand Man, won't you please,
always stay right next to me?

1 comment:

  1. Sleep often eludes me as well, so I could relate to your line "I have had many nights where I am nothing but exhausted, and instead of having restful dreams, all I see is black and pink." Perhaps this is why I've developed a dependency on Tylenol PM. Not being able to sleep and lying there replaying all my worries and regrets is truly one of my biggest fears.
