About my page:

Here i will post my poems and stories. I do realise not all of them will be perfect, and I accept that. If you do like something I have writen please let me know :) I hardly ever creatively write about anything that relates to me directly, so please never assume anything about me from what I write. If some things that I write offend you, I am sorry, but I do have freedom of speach ^.^

Friday, February 6, 2015

I Sing of...

I sing of happiness:

Hiding from despair.

Flying away from depression

And anxiety that engulfs me every day of my life.

Singing is freedom:

Showing the world

And myself

That I have a voice.

That I control how I handle my own situations.

That my state of mind influences my level of happiness.

1 comment:

  1. That last line is so, so true...And I've found how I decide to act/respond/feel so affects those around me, especially my son and husband.
