About my page:

Here i will post my poems and stories. I do realise not all of them will be perfect, and I accept that. If you do like something I have writen please let me know :) I hardly ever creatively write about anything that relates to me directly, so please never assume anything about me from what I write. If some things that I write offend you, I am sorry, but I do have freedom of speach ^.^

Thursday, January 29, 2015

My Perfect Future ^~^

One interesting idea that I learned from the presentation was the idea of featuring a whole career around movies, for example doing special effects. Also, I found it amazing how much goes into making a video game and how artistically talented someone has to be to create game characters and landscapes. The artist even has to draw or sculpt multiple different views of the same character to accompany for movement of the same character in the game. One question that I have is: What kind of careers can you have featuring creative writing?  The speaker did not mention too many careers that have a spotlight on writing. In one year I would like to have a steady part time job, because I have been trying to get a job for almost one year. Sadly, due to the fact that I will not apply at a fast food restaurant and I don’t have much previous job experience, I am probably not going to be the first pick for a job at any of the places that I would enjoy to work. In five years I would like to be in a college that is in a warm climate and hopefully close to the beach. I hope that I can make friends wherever I move, because that is one of my weaknesses. I really want to be able to stay calm in college and not get overwhelmed or too stressed out. In ten years I hope to be married to the man of my dreams that gets along with my family and friends. I would also like to be thinking of starting a family if my husband and I are emotionally and financially stable enough to do so. I will also have many, if not all, of the tattoos that I plan on getting.I will never want to live without pets, so I hope that I can have at least two pets that are cuddly and loveable. In fifty years I want to still be in a happy loving relationship with my husband. I would have raised my children and would have grandchildren. I will want to live very close to a beach that isn’t too popular, so that it won’t always be crowded. I will have as many pets as my budget will allow. I predict that I will be like my grandmother in some ways, by being wise and easy to talk to about problems. A very caring person who will let you get unhealthy snacks whenever you want as long as it doesn’t get out of hand, and I will give the best Christmas presents.

Blue Senses

My surroundings are an explosion of blue. The bright never-ending sky looking down on me. Fluent liquid waves engulf my slender body. Slight tints of sunshine graze my skin. When I raise my head back above the surface, I feel the droplets of salty water racing down my face to go join the rest of their kind. I start to wonder what it would be like to propel through the water as a silky dolphin species. With the slightest wiggle of my tail I would zoom past all small creatures that I share my environment with. Then a rush of cool air would flow over me as I swiftly jump out of the depths of the sea. Flying as if I am an airplane in the sky, passing clouds by and by.

Bright white is the tiny ball of fire watching everything from its comfy spot in the sky. It looms above my head as I lay myself out on a freshly painted beach chair. I smirk as my toes dig into the soft, dusty particles of sand. Creating insignificant tombs for my feet to rest in while I unwind. The bubbly foam from my coffee drink finds its way onto my nose after every sweet, savored sip. My clear-coated nails glimmer as a response to the smiling sun. I feel as free and pure as a lamb frolicking through the meadows.

My thoughts are lavender, lovely and decadent. The sweet smell of honeysuckle comes across my path as it rides the waves of the wind. This tempts me to glide along the boardwalk in search for a little bakery. I almost faint from excitement when the tantalizing scent of blueberry scones wafts my way. Delighted, I greet the laid back cashier who seems as relaxed as a swan softly swimming along on the surface of a lake.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Clearly Deep Ultramarine

Deep, dark, mysterious sea
Waves shifting everything beneath its surface
Humans sailing smoothly up above
Nimble anemones sway at the very bottom
Fish with placid eyes scurry by
The bright coral seems to be blooming, flowering

You Will Never Know Dear, How Much I Love You

My fingers brush her tender cheek

I adore her rosy, vibrant face

As I carry my lovely child on the sunset beach

The tiki torches we pass light up her eyes

Her beautiful skin glimmering

The California air seems to calm her

I will never forget this path that we are taking together

Red Geranium

HD Geranium In The Rain WallpaperRain water glistens
On the soft red petal
Smooth as velvet cloth

Coastal White...

Crashing waves

Orange sun fading

All huddled around a crackling fire

Starts breaking through the calm dark sky

Tall shadows dancing around

Almost forgetting all of the stress in our lives

Laughing 'till our stomachs ache

Water fights playfully breaking out

Hollering at the top of our lungs

Intense talks about life

Touching each other’s hearts with our loving words

Everyone leaving but reminiscing about this unforgettable night

Friday, January 16, 2015

Short-lived Disneyland Adventure

           Tyrone and Jason are two little boys that were overjoyed to finally be able to go to Disneyland. Their parents decided to take them on the trip as a reward for their good grades and positive attitudes in school this year. Tyrone is eight years old and Jason is seven. Tyrone prefers to keep his head smooth and bald because he thinks that it makes him look more dangerous. Jason on the other hand, likes to grow his hair out a little more. Though they both supposedly acted very cool and collected at school, they were still mischievous little rascals at heart. Tyrone being the leader of their adventures, and Jason is the follower that goes along with whatever his big brother tells him to do.
            One their second day at Disneyland, Tyrone decided that he was getting bored being with his parents twenty-four seven. He saw his opportunity when Jason was in the restroom. Tyrone was standing outside of the restroom door waiting for Jason to finish. Then, the magical words were spoken to Tyrone from his mother, “Your father and I are going to go get some food for us all to chow down on. Stay right here with Jason until we get back. We will be right over there.” As she said the last sentence she pointed to a little eatery about one hundred feet away. The eight year old boy could barely contain his excitement.
            Tyrone heard a whoosh sound from the restroom, then moments later his brother walked out. After looking around, Jason asked, “Where’s Mommy? Where’s Daddy?” Tyrone responded incredibly quickly, “They wanted us to do some stuff on our own. So let’s go explore!” Jason replied in a slightly skeptical and nervous tone, “Oh… Okay…” Then Tyrone took off like a tiny rocket, pulling Jason’s arm so that he could keep up. They ran for what they thought was a good five minutes before Tyrone decided that they were far enough from their parents. Both of the boys were panting, but Tyrone still had a wide, toothy smile on his face.
            Next Tyrone nearly yelled, “Look Jason! Some people left their Mickey Mouse hats on the ground, let’s wear ‘em!” He picked up the black plastic hats and placed one on each of their heads. Jason spotted a bright pink color in the distance. Immediately his eyes lit up and he screamed enthusiastically, “TEACUPS! Let’s ride the teacups, Tyrone! TEEEACUUUPPS!” Jason took off sprinting towards the famous ride, with Tyrone following right on his heels. They stood in line while acting very giddy for a good fifteen minutes. After what seemed like an eternity, they were at the front of the line and finally allowed into the open area where they saw all of the outstanding oversized teacups. The only one left by the time they were let in was the pink one, but they were both O.K. with that. The ride started, and simultaneously the brothers put their hands on the wheel in the middle of the teacup. Soon they were both laughing exuberantly because they felt like their bodies were moving at the speed of light.
Then they heard their voices being called. Tyrone stopped laughing and let out an, “oh no…” under his breath. “GET DOWN!” Tyrone screeched and pushed Jason down. They both peaked out of the teacup, but that didn’t help too much because the pink teacup contraption was still spinning too fast for them to see. From that moment on, the ride seemed to last forever. Eventually it started slowing down, then it came to a complete stop. The boys slowly and cautiously got out of their safe-haven teacup of freedom. They both saw their parents waiting at the gate that everyone exits out of. Tyrone and Jason slumped their heads and shoulders while solemnly dragging their feet towards their infuriated parents.


Silence is my friend
When I am silent, I won’t disrupt anyone
I won’t annoy anyone
I won’t anger anyone

Silence is my friend
When I am silent, I am invisible
I am timid
I am mysterious

Silence is my friend
When I am silent, I feel nothing
I feel black and white
I feel frozen in time

Silence is not my friend
When I am silent, I am melancholy
I am alone
I am stone

Silence is not my friend
When I am silent, I don’t have a personality
I don’t have a companion
I don’t have the feeling of being alive

Stay silent, they said
So stay silent, I shall

Friday, January 9, 2015


The Dazzling fire is sparkling in my eyes

I am focused on the lovely flames

They seem infinite, like the stars

I know they will soon die, as will I

For I can feel the heat getting closer to my body

The smoke is getting thicker

I accept the scent, and savor it

Many people in my place would be panicking

While I am paralyzed, mesmerized, hypnotized

It is like I am in a trance

As the flames begin to tickle my feet, a giggle sneaks out of my mouth

Everything is in incredible slow motion

That makes me happy because I can notice every little detail

I see every tiny spark drifting away from the tip of each flame

I hear my beating heart, which seems to pump once a minute

I embrace the heat as it crawls up my body

I allow the black smoke to enter my nasal passages and lungs

My last thought is, "This is the feeling of empowerment."

That very moment I opened my eyes slowly to find myself in a bed

A bed that is in a very regular room in the dead of night

I finally recognize this as my room in my house

I lay still, staring at my ceiling, still feeling a bit paralyzed

Amazed by the exciting yet terrifying sensation I had just dreamt

As I yawned I pondered the meaning behind this odd dream

Before I knew it, I was back asleep

I had no more dreams that night

I woke up to my alarm clock yelling at me, and I started getting ready for school right away

I had no memory of the significant dream I had experienced just hours earlier

The Sand Man

Mr. Sand Man, won't you please,
always stay right next to me?

The peaceful slumber that you give me,
soothes all of my troubled thoughts.
It makes me feel worry free.

I need you more than you may think.
I have had many nights where I am nothing but exhausted, 
and instead of having restful dreams, all I see is black and pink.

Mr. Sand Man, won't you please,
always stay right next to me?

You have the antidote for my anxiety.
When I am worried, my chest feels heavy, 
but a delightful side effect of the spell you cast, is that once again I can breathe.

Why are you not here at this moment? 
It is like you play a sick game, 
Where the meaning behind your wickedness is your need torment.

Mr. Sand Man, won't you please, 
always stay right next to me?

I don't understand.
For others can fall asleep in a single blink;
they don't even need a hand.

Well I try everything I can.
I toss and turn, but to no avail.
This is why I believe you have a wicked plan.

I don't know why I am the target of your torment.
I've tried many things to conjure you up,
But apparently you don't think my happiness is even worth a peppermint.

Please give me the secret,
To resting my head down when I am fatigued, and instantly catching Z's.
I swear I will keep it, because I need it. 

Mr. Sand Man, won't you please,
always stay right next to me?

I am... Allison Terry

Ally Terry
Mrs. Hayley Fraser
Creative Writing
8 January 2015
I am…
I am…
the daughter of my kind, generous, and trusting mother
as well as the daughter of my strict yet funny and adventurous father.
the grand-daughter of my book-worm, artsy, flutter brained grandma that is the easiest one in my family to talk to about your emotions and your problems.
the girlfriend of my musically talented, athletic, and sweet boyfriend, who is not sweet when he is grumpy.

I am…
adventurous global food such as octopus, seaweed, sushi, and seafood in general, but not actual fish (blech).
American food including steak, hot dogs, cheese, French fries, pork, eggs, fried okra, candy, and bagels with sweet pumpkin-flavored cream cheese.
a limited selection of drinks: sweet tea, hot tea, sprite, and coffee that I sadly cannot drink without my stomach rebelling.

I am…
fluffy, comfortable boots and sweatshirts in the winter, making an exception to wear skinny jeans, black smooth boots, and a nice cardigan sweater when I want to feel fancy.
make-up, fancy dresses, jewelry, nail polish, wedges, and cute print bikinis with nice cover-ups in the summer.

I am…
an explorer of Greece, Hawai’i, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Florida, where I have made most of my happiest memories.
hopeful to one day have traveled to the Galapagos Islands, Colorado, the Caribbean, France, Italy, and San Diego (where my father was born and raised).

I am…
thoughtful English, magnificent science, peaceful reading, intense research, creative writing, and interesting math.
curious about death, what happens inside of my own body, the future, college, where my friends will go and how well we will stay connected, and how my family life will hold up as the years go by.