- Pieces of Writing that I enjoyed
This is reflection
Long, dark
eyelashes reaching out to the world
A dilated pupil
showing anticipation
A gleaming sea of
exuberant joy
Smooth, porcelain
skin of an innocent child
Natural beauty
Nothing fraudulent
or tainted
This is curiosity
About life and love
The rises and falls
But choosing
to see only the beautiful little things
Keeping hope when
the storm is growling
When the lightning
is striking your toes
This is looking
To bigger, better
Life and beauty in
a simple form
Petals burst open
and veins brings them nutrients
From a bird’s eye
view, it is a skirt twirling and wavering
Sepia flower, sepia
I see your flat
image on my wall
But, you are not
You are in a realm
of immortality
Frozen in one
instant of time.
Sepia flower, sepia
I can see you as
anything other than one-dimensional
From multiple
varied views.
You are not
depicting one emotion
But reflecting that
of the being sinking his or her eyes into you.
Sepia flower, sepia
You could be eerily
glum with a melancholy air about you
Or you could be
reminiscent of a beautiful chirpy moment.
You could be the
flower that absorbs my tears
Or you could be the
flower that begets my smile to stretch out across my face.
Sepia flower, sepia
So complicated is
the essence of your presence
Causing one to
never get tired of staring in your direction.
Catch my breath and
hold it in,
Free me from the
stresses of the outside world.
Sepia flower, sepia
My heart whimpers
to see you once again
Like a hound mewls
for the return of its human.
Your soft abundance
of petals is mesmerizing
Your sharp crisp
leaves bring me back to reality.
Bright white
is the tiny ball of fire watching everything from its comfy spot in the sky. It
looms above my head as I lay myself out on a freshly painted beach chair. I
smirk as my toes dig into the soft, dusty particles of sand. Creating
insignificant tombs for my feet to rest in while I unwind. The bubbly foam from
my coffee drink finds its way onto my nose after every sweet, savored sip. My
clear-coated nails glimmer as a response to the smiling sun. I feel as free and
pure as a lamb frolicking through the meadows.
My thoughts are lavender, lovely and decadent.
The sweet smell of honeysuckle comes across my path as it rides the waves of
the wind. This tempts me to glide along the boardwalk in search for a little
bakery. I almost faint from excitement when the tantalizing scent of blueberry
scones wafts my way. Delighted, I greet the laid back cashier who seems as
relaxed as a swan softly swimming along on the surface of a lake.
- Writers as Readers
When I
read, I need a very quiet, somber environment. Otherwise, I will not be able to
focus on what I am reading at all. When I am allowed to sit in peace with a
book I get sucked into its pages and the book flies through my brain as if I am
watching a real time movie. I can even get so attached to characters that I
start to think and act like they do in the book.
Genres of novels that intrigue me include
sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, and horror. I am absolutely appalled by gooey
romantic books, as well as books that are just plain depressing. My favorite
kinds of books are the ones that I can’t put down. I fall in love with books
that have a twist ending. I am drawn to horror books, because it reminds me
that things in my life could always be worse. Plus, I love the little
adrenaline rushes I get without being in real danger. Those kind of books
always keep me on edge and wanting to find out what is going to happen next. I
love sci-fi and fantasy books because I have always been an imaginative person
and I love the idea of so many unknown creatures, planets, or entire universes
that the human race is unaware of. Mystery novels amaze me, because they throw
so many things at you and you have to learn as a reader how to put them all
together. Then, as the narrator begins to have all of the answers unfold, I
feel as if I have accomplished something and gained knowledge of how the world
works and understand more sociology. Which in turn helps me understand the
human race just a little bit more.
When I was little, I would love to read
Goosebumps by R.L. Stine. Those were some of the books that I could finish in a
few days, but those are really considered children’s books. The first novel
that comes to mind when I think of not being able to put it down, is Watchers by Dean Koontz. It is pretty
hard to keep my attention in a book, but once you have my attention I am all
in. This book caught me off guard from the minute I read the first page, and
all I wanted to do was find out more. Discover what will happen next. There is
so much intense rising action packed into the body of the book that it was the
only thing I could think about until I had finished it. Even after I had
finished it, I sat and pondered over the entirety of the book, and how much I
adored every bit of it. One book that I have just started that I know will take
me forever to get through and fully understand
is The Scarlet Letter by
Nathaniel Hawthorne. I am flabbergasted at the kind of writing that is featured
throughout this novel. I have just started it and the teacher needed to explain
almost all of what I had read in the first two chapters before I truly grasped
what was happening and what all the words meant. One thing that makes the book
even harder for me to read is that it is ALL
run-on sentences. That bothers me to the core of my being, because all of
my life English teachers have taught children not to use run-on sentences. But now they are introducing us to a
novel that they worship, and it has RUN-ON SENTENCES. It may seem odd to
some how much that irritates me, but I have legitimate reasoning for my emotions
towards this book and its style of writing.
- Blog
I have always
enjoyed the thought of having a blog, but the thought of everything you write
being displayed to the world is still a scary concept. I did refrain from
writing some darker pieces due to the publicity of our pieces, but it is always
good for me to focus on writing more positive things anyway. When I am outside
of my focused school brain I am quite a ditsy, clumsy, and random girl. The
first word that popped into my head to describe myself on the day we set up our
blog was “random.” Then my thoughts merged to the phrase, “words of wisdom.” I
just put the two parts together to make “WordsOfRandom.”My family would
probably enjoy reading it, and maybe other teenagers who think like me. I would
like to think I will continue posting on my blog, but not being able to
physically type on the website is detracting from its use. It requires more
effort than it should to copy and paste everything from Microsoft word on to
the website. Also, sometimes the website will not allow you to put certain
pictures and it will move your text around so that it gets out of the format
you planned. Those are the things that I dislike about blogger.com, but if I was
committed to posting on a blog every day I would be willing to pay for a better
site. If I continue using it I will still post poetry and short stories that I write.
Possibly with the addition of dessert recipes that I have modified from the
original online versions.
- Journal
I have assignments
in my journal that include describing pictures I see and coming up with stories
about them, listing bands I listened to from elementary school to now, and
poems about landscapes or life.
- Thoughts on Phoenix poem
The Dazzling fire is sparkling in my eyes
I am focused on the lovely flames
They seem infinite, like the stars
I know they will soon die, as will I
For I can feel the heat getting closer to my body
The smoke is getting thicker
I accept the scent, and savor it
Many people in my place would be panicking
While I am paralyzed, mesmerized, hypnotized
It is like I am in a trance
As the flames begin to tickle my feet, a giggle sneaks out of my mouth
Everything is in incredible slow motion
That makes me happy because I can notice every little detail
I see every tiny spark drifting away
from the tip of each flame
I hear my beating heart, which seems to pump once a minute
I embrace the heat as it crawls up my body
I allow the black smoke to enter my nasal passages and lungs
My last thought is, "This is the feeling of empowerment."
I am focused on the lovely flames
They seem infinite, like the stars
I know they will soon die, as will I
For I can feel the heat getting closer to my body
The smoke is getting thicker
I accept the scent, and savor it
Many people in my place would be panicking
While I am paralyzed, mesmerized, hypnotized
It is like I am in a trance
As the flames begin to tickle my feet, a giggle sneaks out of my mouth
Everything is in incredible slow motion
That makes me happy because I can notice every little detail
I hear my beating heart, which seems to pump once a minute
I embrace the heat as it crawls up my body
I allow the black smoke to enter my nasal passages and lungs
My last thought is, "This is the feeling of empowerment."
That very moment I opened my eyes slowly to find myself in a bed
A bed that is in a very regular room in the dead of night
I finally recognize this as my room in my house
I lay still, staring at my ceiling, still feeling a bit paralyzed
Amazed by the exciting yet terrifying sensation I had just dreamt
As I yawned I pondered the meaning behind this odd dream
Before I knew it, I was back asleep
I had no more dreams that night
I love mythological creatures
and I love the idea of basing a story on a human-fantasy animal hybrid. I
wanted a piece with details that could be felt rather than read. I did not copy
the last two lines because I feel that as its own piece it is better off, but
connected to the Phoenix Continued piece it works together.
- Favorite Pieces
My hand is shaking as I hold the nozzle in my hand. I put my
other hand around it so I can stabilize my body. After many failed attempts, I
finally get the metal rod into my car. I gently pull the lever until the gas
starts dribbling down through the inner-workings of my worn down station wagon.
I have too much to think about. My physical body is not the unit that is fully
failing me. My wandering, cynical mind is the entity responsible for my new and
un-welcomed sense of frailty.
I stare past the tall red pump towards the white gas station building.
I decided that I should not let my mind wander. I need to focus on visual
stimuli instead of letting my thoughts overtake me in a heavy wave of black
crashing around in my head. I glare intently at the shadows that are forming on
the ground ahead of me. The sun is rising behind me, causing dark grey figures
to slowly creepy forward. They grow bigger and bigger with each passing minute.
Suddenly I hear the metallic clink of the gas nozzle telling me
that its job is done. At first it seems like a noise that is very far off,
comparable to the annoying high pitched beeps that start to invade your dreams,
but you do not realize that it is the screaming of your alarm clock until you
have fully awoken. I am transfixed by the emerging shadow giants. My eyes are
glued to them. My mind is blank, which is preferable to my usual tendencies of
Crashing waves
Orange sun fading
All huddled around a crackling fire
Starts breaking through the calm dark
Tall shadows dancing around
Almost forgetting all of the stress in
our lives
Laughing 'till our stomachs ache
Water fights playfully breaking out
Hollering at the top of our lungs
Intense talks about life
Touching each other’s hearts with our
loving words
Everyone leaving but reminiscing
about this unforgettable night
On the soft red petal
Smooth as velvet cloth
My fingers brush her tender cheek
I adore her rosy, vibrant face
As I carry my lovely child on the
sunset beach
Her beautiful skin glimmering
The California air seems to calm her
I will never forget this path that we
are taking together
The birds stop singing
Our chains clatter on the ground
No more sleep for us
Simple buzzing is a
tranquil white noise to my ears
Along with the
birds singing their special songs
Are the harmonious
melodies of spring
My darling baby boy
is settled composedly on my bosom
Though his father
is no longer around, I feel him
He lives in spring,
he is spring
The very thought
comforts me
The sunshine is
engulfing my body
And it feels almost
as if he is here beside me at this very moment
- Creative Writing
I do wish
to improve upon my writing in the future, but I do not plan on utilizing this
skill as a career, just a hobby. Creative writing allows me to share my views
of the world, from the worst situation to the best. I can write words that flow
smoothly together and say that I have made something beautiful, instead of
drawing or painting (which I am not talented at whatsoever). This is the kind
of writing that has intrigued me all of my life. I was writing poems of my own free
will ever since I learned about them in elementary school. I would much rather
write a five page fictional short story than a five page research paper. I can
get by in regular Enlgish classes with my writing skills, but I am just not as
passionate about essays or research papers as I am about poems and short
stories that I come up with out of thin air.
- Words of Encouragement
Can someone say QUOTES! :D
taught me that we're all needed, even those who sometimes think we're
worthless, plain and dull. If we love and allow ourselves to be loved...well, a
person who loves is the most precious thing in the world, worth all the
fortunes that ever were. That's what you've taught me, fur face, and because of
you I'll never be the same." – Dean Koontz,The Watchers
-Switchfoot -Skillet