About my page:

Here i will post my poems and stories. I do realise not all of them will be perfect, and I accept that. If you do like something I have writen please let me know :) I hardly ever creatively write about anything that relates to me directly, so please never assume anything about me from what I write. If some things that I write offend you, I am sorry, but I do have freedom of speach ^.^

Thursday, January 29, 2015

My Perfect Future ^~^

One interesting idea that I learned from the presentation was the idea of featuring a whole career around movies, for example doing special effects. Also, I found it amazing how much goes into making a video game and how artistically talented someone has to be to create game characters and landscapes. The artist even has to draw or sculpt multiple different views of the same character to accompany for movement of the same character in the game. One question that I have is: What kind of careers can you have featuring creative writing?  The speaker did not mention too many careers that have a spotlight on writing. In one year I would like to have a steady part time job, because I have been trying to get a job for almost one year. Sadly, due to the fact that I will not apply at a fast food restaurant and I don’t have much previous job experience, I am probably not going to be the first pick for a job at any of the places that I would enjoy to work. In five years I would like to be in a college that is in a warm climate and hopefully close to the beach. I hope that I can make friends wherever I move, because that is one of my weaknesses. I really want to be able to stay calm in college and not get overwhelmed or too stressed out. In ten years I hope to be married to the man of my dreams that gets along with my family and friends. I would also like to be thinking of starting a family if my husband and I are emotionally and financially stable enough to do so. I will also have many, if not all, of the tattoos that I plan on getting.I will never want to live without pets, so I hope that I can have at least two pets that are cuddly and loveable. In fifty years I want to still be in a happy loving relationship with my husband. I would have raised my children and would have grandchildren. I will want to live very close to a beach that isn’t too popular, so that it won’t always be crowded. I will have as many pets as my budget will allow. I predict that I will be like my grandmother in some ways, by being wise and easy to talk to about problems. A very caring person who will let you get unhealthy snacks whenever you want as long as it doesn’t get out of hand, and I will give the best Christmas presents.


  1. All those cute critters at the end! I'm with you--a life without pets just seems empty somehow. I love how you describe your grandmother and the traits you'd like to have as your own one day. I hope you get to go somewhere lovely for college and meet some interesting people and use not only your creative gifts but also your warm and open heart to make a life for yourself that you are happy with. Thanks, Ally!

  2. Pets and tattoos. Yes. I can totally relate. There are so many tattoos I want, and I will definitely be getting some in the near-ish future as well. And I will also be keeping many animals. I love pets, and there are so many I'd like to have. Including a flying squirrel (my friend has one. Adorable!) and a snake. Although maybe not at the same time. The dog I have right now is my life. I love him more than anything, and I hope he'll be sticking around for a while! I love your idea of living near a secluded beach with lots of pets. Sounds so peaceful and perfect!
