About my page:

Here i will post my poems and stories. I do realise not all of them will be perfect, and I accept that. If you do like something I have writen please let me know :) I hardly ever creatively write about anything that relates to me directly, so please never assume anything about me from what I write. If some things that I write offend you, I am sorry, but I do have freedom of speach ^.^

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Recent Dream...

Amazing phoenix tattoo. Back tattoo.
After I wrote a poem called Phoenix, I had a dream where I got a large beautiful watercolor tattoo of a phoenix. The dream started with me (in first person) walking into a tattoo parlor without any idea of what I wanted to get. The artist enthusiastically came up to me with a drawing of a large peacock that was made entirely out of interlocking monkeys. I got really excited and told him that was what I would like to get, but with a few color changes from the original drawing. I laid down on the cushiony chair and had my shirt lifted, because we decided that my back would showcase the artwork perfectly. He started working on it, then half way through he sent me home. When I got home I rushed over to the mirror, and I saw a magnificent burst of color that exploded into the form of a majestic phoenix. I loved it so much that I went straight back to the tattoo parlor to get it finished. By that time it was very late at night, almost into the morning hours. Somehow my parents and my friend showed up and were in the shop with me. They were carrying a baby that apparently was mine. I felt bad that they were there with me so late at night, and I told them they could go home and get some sleep. They responded happily that they wanted to stay with me until my tattoo was finished.
I am one of the many people that believe dreams have deeper meanings, and that they are not all just random scenes made up by our brains. I think that our subconscious is very good at mashing a lot of ideas and premonitions into our dreams. There are even books that explain what certain things in dreams could represent. From what I have researched, “To see your body appearing tattooed, foretells that some difficulty will cause you to make a long and tedious absence from your home.” Also, to dream of “a bright, clean baby, denotes love requited, and many warm friends.”

1 comment:

  1. Despite the gloomy prediction from the dream book, I think this dream sounds promising. Babies often represent new ideas and the vivid colors of the phoenix, along with the major creativity (a peacock made from monkeys!), just seem to point to good things. A very cool tattoo pic, too.
