remember the horrendous Gulf Coast oil spill. I still despise the company that
caused it. I know they did not do it on purpose, but they made awful decisions
that led to the tragedy. They did not maintain the plant well, and they should
know that getting oil from underwater in and of itself is risky. If oil happens
to spill on land it is far easier to clean up. On the other hand, in constantly moving water that
spreads the oil out more each minute, there is nothing that can immediately rid
the body of water of the oil. The spill of the Gulf Coast caused the death of
various kinds of marine life, and if the animals survived, they still got oil
into their system. That directly affected and still affects us. Now there is a
danger for us to eat certain seafood, because if we eat a fish or shellfish
that has ingested all of the toxins from oil, we can become very ill. I cannot
accurately describe how much I loathe the entire BP Company. I do not even know
all of the specific details of the oil spill, but I do know that it ruined beaches,
businesses along the coast, marine life, our lives, and the environment as a
whole. I become infuriated when I see their commercials that were filmed on the
Gulf Coast shores, when they are trying to make themselves look like the heroes.
They are the enemies, and just because they helped fix what they caused does
not mean they have learned from their ginormous mistake. I am sure they will become
careless again soon and it will happen all over again. Their biggest argument
is that they create jobs for Americans. You know what I say to that? If people
spent more time trying to research and test out better and safer alternatives
for our fuel, that would create even MORE jobs. But oil companies like BP
prevent other ideas from going full force and being accepted as alternative
fuel sources. They have too much power and I hope that will dramatically change
some time in the near future.
I remember reacting to the "we are helping" commercials afterwards in a similar way--the devastation caused by the BP spill is incomprehensible. I hope we are able to find an alternative in the future.