About my page:

Here i will post my poems and stories. I do realise not all of them will be perfect, and I accept that. If you do like something I have writen please let me know :) I hardly ever creatively write about anything that relates to me directly, so please never assume anything about me from what I write. If some things that I write offend you, I am sorry, but I do have freedom of speach ^.^

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Musical World- Answers to Music and Writing blue worksheet

When I listen to music, my emotions/ feelings depend on the meaning behind the song, the general genre, and my thoughts at the time. When I am happy, upbeat pop songs just add to my enjoyment. When I am in a bad mood, rock songs make me feel comforted and blocked off from the rest of the world.

One of my favorite songs is “kill your heroes” by awolnation. That song is actually one of the only songs that I like from their albums, but that one song will never get old to me. I love the general idea behind the song: nothing is perfect and sometimes you just have to accept your fate. The only thing that I can connect that song with in the past is my food and nutrition class that I had freshman year, simply because that is where I heard it for the first time. I was done with my work and was listening to Pandora on my phone when this song came on. After that I checked out the rest of their album and was disappointed, but I still love that one song.

My taste in music has not changed too much over the years. The only thing that I can say has changed is my adoration of rock music. When I was younger I hated any song that didn’t have a peppy beat and a happy singer. Ever since middle school, I have changed my feelings about rock. In fact I remember the very first rock song that I came to like- Riot by Three Days Grace. Unlike awolnation, I became obsessed with all of 3DG’s songs.

Most of my friends share my taste in music. A few of them like certain artists and songs that I don’t care for, but generally we like the same genres and most of the same songs. This means that we think alike and share the same type of brain in at least one way.

Without music, the world would be a desert with no expression or freedom.

Without music, my life would be 100x more stressful. Music calms me down most of the time, unless the song has a strong connection to something or someone (like an ex) that I do not wish to remember, especially when I am already in a sad mood.

          One event that I connect to music is the time when I started dating one guy named Dakoda. I believed that the song “lost in you” by Three Days Grace could pretty much relate to our bond. To this day, three or more years after we broke up, I still associate that specific song with him. Oddly enough, though, he did not ever call that “our song,” because he was not a big fan of Three Days Grace. Instead he told me about a country song that would remind him of me every time he heard it. I also associate that song with that long past relationship.

1 comment:

  1. Music is such a trigger of memory...I still associate people I knew and loved growing up with certain songs many years later. You're right, a world without these triggers of memory, emotion, and creativity would truly be a barren desert.
