About my page:

Here i will post my poems and stories. I do realise not all of them will be perfect, and I accept that. If you do like something I have writen please let me know :) I hardly ever creatively write about anything that relates to me directly, so please never assume anything about me from what I write. If some things that I write offend you, I am sorry, but I do have freedom of speach ^.^

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Movie Questions

John Wick TeaserPoster.jpg
One of my favorite movies is John Wick. I love this action movie because it is full of revenge that all of us secretly want to carry out but never have the guts to do. It also has some sweet, heart-touching moments that make you go “aww.”
            I do not usually care for gooey romantic movies, because they are so unrealistic in my eyes. I would never want to live my life expecting my love life to play off like one of those perfect love stories, because then I would never be happy with the relationship I have and I would always expect more and never be satisfied. I also detest movies that are ONLY depressive, like movies about war or a family going through hard times. I get way too into the movie that I’m watching to the point that it will severely affect my mood, and I hate being depressed and upset, especially when what I am worrying about is not a real life situation.
            I would love to watch movies more often, but I normally do not have the patience to wait for a movie to come out on DVD, and I do not want to spend an enormous and ridiculous amount of money for movie tickets. When I do save up a good amount of movie, I go to the theatre with one or two of my friends, or my significant other. When a movie has been out for a long time, my grandmother will usually get the DVD and we will watch it at her house. I was not originally planning on watching John Wick a few days ago, but my grandma brought home the DVD and started watching it as I was doing homework and I could not pull my eyes away from the screen.
            I try not to eat or drink too much while watching a movie, because it distracts me from the story and it keeps me from fully transporting myself into the screen with that different world. Along the same lines, I need my environment to be absolutely silent so I can put all my attention towards the movie. I like to watch movies with friends, because it gives me someone to talk to about the movie and to share reactions to things in the film. My favorite thing to do is go with a significant other to a horror movie, so I can grab on to their arm and lean into them when I am scared, as a way to bring me back to the reality that I am O.K and I am not actually in the movie.
            If my life story was made into a movie, I don’t know who would play me because I don’t pay attention to actresses or their names, but I would prefer for them to be short, with my same body shape, and either blonde or brunette hair. They would also need to portray a self-conscious teenager well, who has issues with “going with the flow” and being easy going.  One main plot point in the movie would be me making small talk well with others, but never making any new friends- just sticking with my two main friends from elementary school. Another plot point would be a conflict between my parents and I that cause them to yell at me, and in turn make me ball my eyes out. The third and final part would be my parents explaining that they just want what’s best for me, even though I may not be able to see that all of the time. That would be a happy ending, with my parents and grandma taking to a nice restaurant so we can have good long family conversations.

Survey results::::::
I am introverted, reserved and serious. I prefer to be alone or with a few close friends.

I am generally warm, trusting, and agreeable, but I can sometimes be stubborn and competitive.

I am dependable and moderately well-organized. I generally have clear goals and are able to set goals aside.

I am sensitive, emotional and prone to experience feelings that are upsetting.

I am practical but willing to consider new ways of doing things. I try to seek a balance between the old and the new.

1 comment:

  1. I like your happy ending at a nice restaurant with long, good, family conversations! I wonder if you'd like the Film as Lit class I teach? You would see a wide variety of movies in a mostly quiet setting and be "transported" to many different scenarios. I'm sure you would have many insightful things to add in class discussions. You are wise to be a realist about those romantic movies that gloss over real life with a gooey paintbrush and give girls everywhere high hopes that might never be realized. But a little romance here and there is good (and realistic!)...
