The lady with the red rose sits at her window, waiting to see the rest of her exquisite collection of flowers bloom. Looking forward to their scent wafting her way on the cool spring breeze. That might be the only thing that could clear her gloomy thoughts. They are the only thing she has to depend on in the world at this point in her life. There was once a man who stole her heart, but ever since the thief plucked her passionate heart from her chest, she has never been able to retrieve it. She is left wondering who she really is. She is left pondering why she is on this Earth. She is left wishing, hoping, praying to find her true direction in life soon. Patient she must be. Yet, her mind will not stop wandering to intense thoughts of the man who she once adored even more than her beloved flowers. Still, the fact remains that he had taken off with her pounding heart in his grasp just a few days earlier. He left but one thing, a single rose. The single rose that was the first to bloom out of her entire patch of magnificent flowers. He had cut it down out of spite, and lay it on the bed where he was supposed to be. Where he said he would stay forever with her. Now the lady grasps the red rose and clings it to her chest. She sways back and forth in a comforting manner in her worn, white, wooden rocking chair that is facing right towards the open window. She can hear the birds singing their solemn hymns. A gust of wind reaches her weeping visage, causing her cheeks to feel as if they were suddenly frozen to ice. She does not care. She wants her flowers. Her colorful babies that give her comfort when nothing else can. The lady now is left doubled over in her rocking chair. Letting all her sorrows flow through her. The red rose is dying, crumpling, wasting away in her gentle hands.

Be yourself. Don’t let anyone keep you from discovering your full potential. Always remember that the majority of your precious beauty lays inside your bosom, nestled tightly within your deepest thoughts.
Be a child, while you still have the chance. Enjoy fluttering around like a passionate fairy and dressing like a royal princess. Explore everything are you and dream as much as your little heart desires.
Laugh out loud. Cherish your friends and family that love you more than you may love yourself. Don’t grow up until you have to. Stay exuberant, be tenacious, and whoop it up.
That first scene is so heartbreaking...especially the line "he had taken off with her pounding heart in his grasp." I like your description of her flowers as "her colorful babies that give her comfort when nothing else can."
ReplyDeleteI love the encouragement in those last lines to stay young and excited and "whoop it up" as long as you can. It's easier said than done, but I sure wish I had.